  • Special Collections and Archives recently acquired a stampless letter from a member of the class of 1848.  Edward Fowler Fish (1828-1906) wrote to his 11-year-old sister Lucia Hull Fish (1835-1913) from the college, on October 27th, 1846, care of James Benham, Hammondsport, Steuben Co. [NY].  The letter begins, "Dear Sister, It has been my intention ever since this term commenced, to write to you, but I have kept putting it off till the term is half gone and no letter written yet.”

  • Join us for two more Apple & Quill events!
    Wednesday, March 2, 7pm:
    Daiyan Hossain '18 and Anna Do '18
    and Wednesday, April 6, 7pm:
    Adirondack evening with Izzy Bradford '16 and Alexa Merriam '16

  • February 23
    Noon - 1:00 p.m.
    Burke Library

    Mark Edington, Director of Amherst College Press, will join us to discuss the recently launched Lever Press. The new publishing venture is supported by Hamilton and nearly forty other member libraries from small, liberal arts colleges like ours who have committed to creating and funding a new, peer-reviewed, open access, digital-first pathway for scholarship in the arts, humanities, and social sciences.

  • Although we are in a new year, you may find yourself receiving more of the same phishing emails. How can you tell if an email message is real or fake?

  • Hamilton College recently joined with forty other small liberal arts colleges in supporting the launch of the Lever Press. The new academic press aims to acquire, develop, produce and disseminate a total of 60 new open-access titles by the end of 2020.

    Lever Press will publish titles distinguished by three key features: editorial alignment with the mission and ethos of liberal arts colleges; a "platinum" approach to open access in which the pledging institutions rather than authors pay all publishing costs; and digitally native production processes designed to support innovative projects that go "beyond the book."

  • Please stop by and see the new exhibit located on the first floor of Burke Library, Commemorating  the 200th Anniversary of 1816.

  • Apple & Quill, the creative arts series sponsored by Library and Information Technology Services, announces an exciting spring line-up of readings featuring the Feminists of Color Collective, first year writers, and an Adirondack evening.

  • R U Serious? Are we becoming a community in which texting, email and social media replace face to face conversations?  I hope not.

  • The “About Us” section of our website states our mission and goals. I encourage you to take a look at that, but what it boils down to is that LITS exists to support teaching and learning for students, faculty, and staff at Hamilton.

  • Shay Foley joined LITS on January 4th as Director, Metadata and Digital Strategies.  In this position he provides leadership for cataloging, metadata creation, library information systems, digitization, data curation and preservation.

Help us provide an accessible education, offer innovative resources and programs, and foster intellectual exploration.

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