  • We’ve got a few quick updates from the Audiovisual Services team at LITS.

  • Every January 28 marks Data Privacy Day - a time to generate awareness around the importance of privacy, highlighting ways we can each protect our personal information.

  • The LITS DEI Task Force is excited to co-sponsor a semester-long series of six Rhodes Perry "Belonging at Work" workshops, beginning February 8. These will be offered over the noon hour, as they will be open to all employees, and this time period accommodates faculty and staff.

  • Please note that Burke Library will be open next week, January 25-29, via card swipe only for current students, faculty, and staff, 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. 

  • On Tuesday, January 19th, 2021 at 8:00 p.m., LITS will be performing maintenance on the Hamilton College’s internet connection.  This maintenance will last approximately one hour, concluding around 9pm. Once this maintenance is completed there will be a minor change to your VPN connection process.  


  • Tis the season to have a winter break! The building is closed, but you can reach us via email and phone. We will be open Monday-Thursday this week, 8:30-4:30, and then closed until January 4, 2021.

  • A visit to Hamilton’s Fillius Jazz Archive will introduce you to a cornucopia of recordings from Edison Diamond discs to classic jazz LPs, photographs from Milt Hinton and Lee Tanner, and a collection of memorabilia from the estate of singer Joe Williams H’88.  

  • Challenged to limit their stories to 40 words, students in Professor of Literature and Creative Writing Tina Hall’s Flash Narrative class were assigned to write “a piece of flash fiction or micro-memoir.” Then they workshopped their piece and designed a slide for it, choosing a font and layout to be projected on the 25’ wall for 20 seconds in an hour-long rotation.

  • We are pleased to announce that Gisella Stalloch will be starting a new role as our Discovery and Systems Librarian. Gisella has worked at Hamilton supporting metadata and cataloging since 2012, and has spent part of her time the last year and a half handling systems work in Alma/Primo. Please join us in welcoming Gisella into her new position!

  • With the removal of the canopies, and many faculty moving to fully remote teaching, we would like to remind you of our drive-up Wi-Fi locations. For some faculty, getting material into Blackboard, and holding Zoom sessions can be a challenge. They simply don’t have fast, unlimited, or reliable Internet at their homes.

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