Ways to Give

Online: Quick and secure.
Phone: Call Yvonne Brady at 315-859-4652 and use your credit card.
Mail: Make checks payable to “Trustees of Hamilton College” and send to: Advancement Office, Hamilton College, 198 College Hill Rd., Clinton, NY 13323
Monthly Sustaining Gifts
Monthly sustaining gifts enable you to provide monthly support for Hamilton by credit card. Your gift is divided into manageable increments, which allows you to maximize the impact of your giving to the College while avoiding a large, one-time expense.
Donor Recognition Societies
Throughout its 200+ year history, Hamilton has been sustained by the generosity of its alumni, parents, and friends.
More Ways to Give
As with all gifts, you should consult your own tax advisors to confirm that it is advantageous for you to contribute appreciated securities.
If your broker (or bank) holds your shares, you may request that they be transferred directly to Hamilton via DTC (Depository Trust Company):
- Provide your broker with Hamilton’s DTC information below and ask them to include your name in the wiring instructions:
Merrill Lynch Account
DTC: 8862
Account Number: #814-04355
Account Name: The Trustees of Hamilton College
Broker: Claudine Zigmund (860-728-3984) - In order for Hamilton to promptly process and credit the gift to you, let Yvonne Brady know the name of the stock, and the number of shares or approximate dollar amount you will be transferring (315-859-4652 or ybrady@hamilton.edu).
- The effective date of your gift will be the date the security is transferred into Hamilton’s account, and the value of your gift will be the average of the high and low quotations for that day.
If you hold your shares in certificate form:
- Send the unendorsed certificate(s) by first-class mail to:
Yvonne Brady
Communications and Development
Hamilton College
198 College Hill Road
Clinton, NY 13323 - By separate first-class mail, send Yvonne Brady a stock power form signed exactly as your name appears on the security but left otherwise completely blank. Include a letter of instruction designating your gift to Hamilton.
- The valuation date will be the postmark date on the certificate and the stock power form (whichever is postmarked last), and the value of your gift will be the average of the high and low quotations for that day.
- If your gift is to be less than the total number of shares listed on the certificate, include your social security number so a new certificate for the remaining shares can be issued.
Please call 866-729-0316 for instructions.
For those who care deeply about Hamilton, their story — their legacy — includes planning for the College’s future. Everyone who makes a planned gift believes that the future of Hamilton matters and tells an everlasting story of who they are and what they value.
How can a planned gift — for a purpose of your choice — tell your story? You have many ways to plan a gift, each with benefits such as immediate income tax deductions, transfer tax savings, lifetime income — and some with all three. Hamilton can work with you and your trusted advisors to help you plan a gift that accomplishes your personal, financial, and philanthropic goals.
To learn more about your planned giving options, or to let us know that you have already included Hamilton in your estate plans, please visit our website, or contact Director of Gift Planning Julie Ross '84 at jross3@hamilton.edu.
Hundreds of Hamilton alumni, parents, and friends have generously endowed funds that support our students, honor our faculty, establish new programs, and enhance the beauty of our campus. In so doing, they have established legacies that enrich Hamilton and honor their affection for the College.
Hamilton’s endowment consists of different types of funds. Each requires a minimum investment to ensure appropriate spending is available for the donor’s intended purpose.
When creating a new fund, Hamilton’s development staff members work closely with donors to ensure that both the donor’s intent and the College’s long-term needs are met. The capital necessary to establish an endowed fund at Hamilton may be provided through:
- outright contributions of cash,
- appreciated securities,
- real property,
- closely held stock,
- personal property, such as important works of art, rare books, manuscripts, or antiques.
Gifts to attain a specified fund minimum may be completed immediately or over time (up to five years), as well as through an estate plan.
For more information, please visit our website, or contact Katie Boyer '93, director of individual giving, at kboyer@hamilton.edu
You may direct contributions to Hamilton from your Donor Advised Fund. Please contact Katie Boyer '93, director of individual giving, at kboyer@hamilton.edu.
Contact Name
Shauna Hirshfield ’06
Director, Annual Giving