25th Reunion Gift Program

In recognition of the importance of the 25th Reunion, Hamilton has established a new policy for counting reunion gifts. Starting after your 20th year and continuing through your 25th, every contribution you make to Hamilton — plus any multi-year pledges committed by June 30 of your 25th year — will count in the five-year reunion gift total for your class.
This counting period is intended to offer you and your classmates both the time to make thoughtful philanthropic plans in honor of this milestone, and the flexibility to fulfill your intentions as may best suit your personal circumstances.
Giving Guide
Your 25th reunion is an opportunity to create a lasting legacy that reflects how Hamilton has shaped and enriched your life.
What Counts?
- Gifts and pledges to Hamilton through the Annual Fund — the highest priority
- Gifts and pledges that create or add to endowed funds
- Gifts and pledges for capital purposes
- Life payment gifts
Ways to Give
- Cash, stocks, mutual funds, bonds or other liquid assets
- Distributions from donor-advised funds or family foundations
- Gifts of real estate or other non-liquid assets
- Employer matching gifts
- Life payment gifts — deferred payment charitable gift annuities (minimum gift $2,000)
- Beneficiary designations from retirement accounts, bank accounts and annuities. (Note: These do not count toward your class gift total.)
Office of Alumni Relations