  1. WE WON’T EVER TAKE YOUR INTEREST FOR GRANTED. Our motto may be “Know Thyself,”
    but we don’t expect you to know what you’re going to do, much less who you’re going to be, when you
    apply to college. The journey is as important as the destination, and that starts with your college search. And while there’s a lot we can’t guarantee about your college search adventure, we will never
    take your interest in Hamilton for granted.
  2. BE INTENTIONAL. Make a list of places to explore and visit, and browse the fancy brochures and websites. But don’t stop there. Somewhere along the way, you’ll figure out what you like, what you don’t, and where you think you will thrive. Well-intentioned parents, friends, and teachers will offer their advice, and some of it will be helpful. In the end it’s up to you to make sure every college you apply to is a place you’d like to attend.
  3. VISIT AND ENGAGE … HERE OR THERE. While we’d love to greet you in person, we recognize not everyone will be able to visit campus. So, we have a number of ways for you to engage with us: Tours From Your Sofa, video interviews, Major Meetups, and Virtually Hamilton sessions.
  4. HAMILTON IS ONE OF THE MOST GENEROUS COLLEGES IN THE COUNTRY. We start by meeting the full demonstrated financial need of every accepted and enrolled student for all four years. We invest in you by ensuring that the right resources (such as our Career Center and ALEX program) and an abundance of opportunities (research, internships, and off-campus study, to name a few) are in place. Faculty advisors, staff mentors, and Hamilton alumni are generous with their time and will support you throughout your undergraduate journey and beyond.
  5. PRESENT YOUR BEST SELF. The most important parts of your application are your academic
    record and potential. But we have lots of candidates who are very strong on those fronts. We also
    try to determine who will take advantage of the opportunities we offer and thrive in our community.
    Much is gleaned from interviews (optional, but encouraged), essays, recommendation letters, and other materials you submit. A long list of activities is far less important than having a commitment to a few things about which you are deeply passionate. We promise every application we receive will get fair consideration and thoughtful review.
  6. TO SUBMIT OR NOT SUBMIT TESTING. Hamilton does not require the SAT or ACT for admission. It’s up to you whether you choose to submit scores, but keep in mind that providing more information is generally better than providing less information. We want to be certain that our students are ready for a rigorous and dynamic academic experience. If testing isn’t submitted, then other academic parts of your application (e.g., transcript, courses, and grades) should be strong enough to demonstrate that you’re ready for the challenges that await you.
  7. WORDS MATTER. Hamilton has a long tradition of emphasizing writing and speaking as cornerstone values, and students come here to find their voice. We seek students who embody that
    aspiration and demonstrate that potential in their application essays and in their interviews. Check our admission website for essay tips and interview tips, our Writing Center’s “Seven Sins of Writing,” and other helpful resources.
  8. TIME IS A GOOD THING. Not everyone applies Early Decision (really), and in fact, most of our applicants (and admits!) apply Regular Decision. Sometimes it is for financial reasons, sometimes to improve your academic record, and sometimes you just need more time! Others race through the application process but want a little more time before college. We are supportive of gap years that allow students to travel, grow, explore, and learn in new and different ways before college. Hamilton also welcomes about 40 new first-year students each January. Many of our “Jans” take classes at one of our global partner programs, but others spend the fall doing community service, outdoor adventure programs, or working full time.
  9. BE AS PREPARED FOR COLLEGE AS YOU ARE FOR THE APPLICATION PROCESS. Take care of yourself, and keep this part of your journey in perspective. The college search can be a stressful process with lots we can’t promise and you can’t control. But remember you will get through this and on the other side may even wonder what the fuss was all about!
  10. ONE LAST THING. Admission officers care more about the applicants they can’t admit than you could ever imagine.

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