Image Options
Media Library
- You can upload a photo and crop the image in SiteManager (no need for Photoshop).
- You will be alerted if the image is not large enough to use in a particular module (see minimum requirements for each module below). Note: Do not edit the image in Photoshop to increase the pixel dimensions.
- The image will automatically crop to the correct aspect ratios (1:1, 2:3, 3:2, 3:4, 4:3 and 16:9) for the module. You can move the crop tool around to edit each of the crops before proceeding with placement in the module. You can always go back into the Media Library to adjust how the original version of the photo is cropped.
- You can adjust the size of your browser widow to see how the size of the image changes at different screen widths.
Header Images
- Location: Header
- Options: Small image, full-width image or video
- Minimum size: 1220 pixels in width by 814 pixels in height; creates both landscape 16:9 and 3:2 crops.
- Note: Access to add and edit this module is limited to the Communications and Marketing Office. Please contact Esena Jackson if changes need to be made.

Landscape Inline Image in Text Module
- Size and Location: 1/2 of main content area; always appears to the right of text
- Minimum size: 400px wide x 300px high; displays a landscape (4:3) image
- Options: An image can be added without a caption using the icon located directly after the flag icon in the toolbar, or with a caption, use the icon in the far right (after text alignment icons). The caption can be edited in the SiteManager Media Library.
Portrait Inline Image in Text Module
- Size and Location: 1/3 of main content area; always appears to the right of text
- Minimum size: 400px wide x 300px high; creates a landscape (4:3) image
- Note: No captions are displayed
Topic Blocks
Image Location and Size
Photos in Topic Blocks appear to the left of the text on desktop computers, laptops and tablets, but appears above the text on mobile devices. The minimum image size is 740px wide by 494px high; image crops to 16:9 and 3:2.
Staff Directory
Alexander Hamilton
Founding Father of United States
Alexander Hamilton was a U.S. statesman, first secretary of the U.S. Treasury and member of the first Board of Trustees of the Hamilton-Oneida Academy.
Staff Directory Image Details
Photos in the Staff Directory module always appear on the left on desktop computers, laptops and tablet, but appear above the text on mobile devices. The minimum image size is 500px wide by 668px height; crops to square (1:1) and portrait (3:4).

The callout module is meant to highlight a single content element. The photo appears to the right of the text on desktop computers, laptops and tablets, but appears above the text on mobile devices. The minimum image size is 1220px wide by 688px high; image crops to 16:9 and 3:2.
Gallery in Main Content Area
When using Gallery in the main content area, please choose the white theme. Videos can also be placed where there is a horizontal image; the video needs to be uploaded to the College account. Contact Tim O'Keeffe about YouTube.
Full-Width Row in Main Content Area

70/30 Row in Main Content Area

30/70 Row in Main Content Area

50/50 Row in Main Content Section

33/33/33 Row in Main Content Area

People Cards
Alex, was introduced to the Hamilton community during Fallcoming and Family Weekend 2014.
A short sentence or list can go here.
The above examples shows that the image is optional.
Alex Hamilton
College Mascot
Gallery in Full-Width Area
Background colors options include black, navy, continental, gray, white
Full-Width Row

70/30 Row

30/70 Row

50/50 Row

33/33/33 Row