The Room

Each room has cable and computer network jacks and the capability of having a telephone line on the College Telephone System. For more information email
Please note that the rooms, especially after everyone moves in, are NOT HUGE, so you will need to coordinate what you bring to campus with your roommates to avoid duplication. Communication with roommates over the summer is key.
Doubles, Triples & Quads
Many of the quads at Hamilton are two-room areas. That means that you can use one room as a ‘living room’ and the other as a bedroom, depending on what you and your roommates prefer. The majority of doubles and triples are one room areas. Windows come with either shades or blinds. Carpeting and types of flooring in the rooms vary from residence hall to residence hall.
Furniture Replacement Process
Please note that we are in the process of gradually replacing our residence hall furniture; some rooms may have upgraded furniture, and other rooms may not. This furniture replacement is an on-going project and will continue over the next few years.
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Community Living