The communications industry includes fields such as advertising, Public Relations, Publishing, Media and Broadcasting. Hamiltonians in this industry work at places such as ESPN, Amazon, Harper Collins, The New York Times and more.
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Career-Related Experience

To gain experience and develop skills in this industry, consider pursuing a career related experience. Most of the organization types listed below have individuals and/or departments who are involved in: public, media, community relations, publications, event promotion and other forms of writing and communications.

  • Casino
  • Chamber of Commerce or Tourism Office
  • College, university or private school
  • Community newspaper
  • Corporate communications department of a local company
  • Hospital communications department
  • Investor Relations department at a corporate headquarters
  • Local advertising agency
  • Local city, town, county or state government office
  • Nonprofit organization (cultural, historic society, human services, environmental)
  • Political campaign or the local office of elected representative
  • Radio station
  • Regional magazine
  • Summer fair, festival, or performing arts venue

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