Student Research

Hands-On Collaborative Research
Summer Research
Hamilton offers its students outstanding opportunities to conduct research in all disciplines. Approximately 120 students receive grants each summer.
Publish & Present
Whether it’s during the academic year or the summer, Hamilton students collaborate with professors on original research. Often their work results in articles published in peer-reviewed journals or in presentations at national conferences.
Student Stories
Research & Discovery
During the academic year and over the summer, Hamilton students put into practice the knowledge and skills learned in the classroom, lab, and studio. Every student graduates having completed a capstone experience, which typically involves significant research or an original artistic creation. Here are some recent examples.

How a Math Student Found a More Efficient Way to Groom Campus Ski Trails
As snow falls on Hamilton’s campus, many students take the opportunity to try a new winter activity: cross-country skiing. Students can rent skis from the Glen House and take them out on the cross-country ski course, located behind the Taylor Science Center. With heavy snow, this course requires maintenance to ensure a safe place for beginner skiers, and that maintenance requires time and fuel.

Removing Carbon, Preserving Microbes
In the summer of 2022, Professor of Biology Mike McCormick began research on a green beach in Long Island, N.Y.

Experiential Learning: Education Outside the Classroom
At Hamilton College, learning transcends geographic boundaries and traditional methods, providing students with unique and memorable experiences that bring their material to life.