William M. Bristol Fellowship
Candidates must be graduating in December 2025 or May 2026. U.S. citizenship is not required. All majors and fields of inquiry are welcome.
One year. Fellows must remain outside the U.S. and other countries where they've spent more than four weeks.
Early October
Selection Process
All submitted proposals are reviewed by the Hamilton faculty fellowship committee. A short list of candidates will have on-campus interviews and up to six nominees will be selected for a second interview with members of the Bristol family. Up to two Fellows are chosen each year.
The Bristol Fellowship was created by the Bristol family in 1996 in honor of William M. Bristol, Jr. '17.
Past Recipients
Bristol Fellowship
Bristol Fellowship recipients have journeyed around the globe living in gypsy wagons, on remote Pacific Islands, and villages in Africa. They have kayaked down wild rivers, lived with those less fortunate and danced through Latin America. They have had to be resourceful, independent, compassionate and courageous. They have known loneliness and isolation and found community and friendship. For them, the time of their fellowship was a year like no other.
Contact Name
Lisa Grimes
Director of Student Fellowships