02 23
When 2:00 p.m. Sunday, February 23
Where Kirner-Johnson (KJ) 125 Bradford Auditorium, Map #14
Type Open to Off Campus Guests

Event Description

F.I.L.M. Series Event Image

Yi Cui returns to show Of Shadows (2016)

Centuries before the invention of cinema, people in various cultures were drawn to shadow play: forms of moving image and sound that told stories and provided audiovisual commentary on lived experience. As modern movie-making technologies evolved, these earlier premonitions of cinema struggled to survive. In Of Shadows, filmed in China's Loess Plateau where shadow plays have entertained people and deities for centuries, Yi Cui documents the struggles of one loyal group of shadow players to keep their art alive.

“With this feature debut, Cui shows a remarkable sense of contemplation, composure, and control in depicting her subjects' struggle to keep abreast of social changes”—Clarence Tsui (Film Quarterly).

F.I.L.M. events are free and open to the public.

Support for F.I.L.M. events is provided by the Dean of Faculty Office, the Kirkland Endowment, and the Cinema and Media Studies major.

Events are curated and organized by Professor of Cinema and Media Studies, Scott MacDonald


Contact Name

Scott Macdonald

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