The following links are a repository of statements, announcements, campus updates, and other writings and remarks by President Wippman during his time as Hamilton’s 20th president.

Attacks in Christchurch, New Zealand

Tags Public Statements

Dear Members of the Hamilton Community,

While I hoped simply to wish everyone a well-deserved spring break, I feel compelled instead to ask that you join me in expressing solidarity and support for the family members of those killed in the tragic mass shooting in New Zealand, for the Muslim community, and for all who are affected by this latest terrible manifestation of Islamophobia.

As a community dedicated to openness and inclusion, we must condemn all acts of violence motivated by hatred and religious bigotry. Despite their appalling frequency, we cannot allow such acts to seem commonplace.

In the fall, I wrote following an all-too-similar attack at the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh. Attacks such as those in Christchurch and Pittsburgh are intended to spread fear and division. We can best resist that aim not simply by denouncing intolerance whenever and wherever we encounter it, but by doing whatever we can, as individuals and as a community, to foster an environment of respect and inclusion. Doing so affirms the values of this College and helps build the kind of society in which we should all aspire to live. Let us make Hamilton a continuing example of a community where difference is embraced and celebrated.


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Office of the President

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