The following links are a repository of statements, announcements, campus updates, and other writings and remarks by President Wippman during his time as Hamilton’s 20th president.
  • The Board of Trustees held its annual March meeting via Zoom on Friday, March 5. As with the last two meetings, the agenda was significantly shorter than is typical when the board meets in person.

  • With Hamilton now operating in COVID Normal (Green) status, we are developing plans to resume some long-awaited co-curricular activities.

  • Earlier today, I sent the message below to the Class of 2021. I know you share the disappointment I expressed to our seniors on behalf of the College. The circumstances that make it impossible to plan a traditional commencement for our seniors also forced us to delay again the in-person ceremony for the Class of 2020. That event, which had been rescheduled for June 6, will be postponed a second time until it is safe and appropriate to bring the class back together.

  • In the wake of George Floyd's murder, President Wippman discusses campuswide efforts to ensure “a community where all individuals, without exception, feel valued, empowered, and treated fairly.”

  • Next Wednesday, March 3, is the first of two Wellness Days for the semester. Classes and team practices will not be held, and Dean Suzanne Keen sent a note last week encouraging faculty members not to assign work that day or have assignments due the following day. I hope student organizations, too, will take full advantage of our first Wellness Day by not scheduling meetings or holding other organized activities.

  • Last week the Spectator printed my letter reminding new and continuing students of the different channels available to offer ideas, suggestions, and feedback. These opportunities extend to faculty and staff as well, who are always welcome to email me at dwippman@hamilton.edu or set up an appointment by contacting Jacke Jones at jrjones@hamilton.edu.

  • Welcome back, and a special welcome to the first-year and transfer students who are joining us for the first time.

  • Today marks the 35th anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr. Day as a federal holiday. Recent events show we have a long way to go to achieve the just and equitable society Dr. King envisioned.

  • Yesterday, I watched with shock, sorrow, and outrage as a mob attacked the nation’s Capitol, attempting to block certification of November’s election results. This lawless assault on the democratic process quickly and rightfully attracted widespread condemnation.

  • The Board of Trustees held its annual December meeting over Zoom on Friday, Dec. 4. The meeting agenda was significantly shorter than usual because of the format, and even our traditional 1812 Leadership Circle Weekend events migrated online this year.


Office of the President

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