Sarah Mehrotra, a candidate for May graduation from Hamilton, has been awarded a Fulbright English Teaching Assistantship (ETA) to Malaysia. A neuroscience major at Hamilton, she studied abroad at Charles University in the Czech Republic in 2013.
At Hamilton Mehrotra is campus campaign coordinator for Teach for America; an Admissions Office intern; Senior Gift co-chair; a Judicial Board Representative; an 1812 Leadership Circle Scholar, awarded in recognition of academic achievement; HAVOC executive board member; National Eating Disorder Awareness Week vice-president; and a barista at Café Opus.
She was part of a group of students who conducted neuroscience research on brain-mapping during the summer of 2013 at Hamilton. At the New England Center for Children, Mehrotra taught autistic children and she has worked with the America Reads program and served as a GED tutor for immigrants in Utica.
She is the daughter of Patrice Green and Yogesh Mehrotra of Monroe, Conn., and a graduate of the Hopkins School.
The Fulbright ETA Program, an element of the Fulbright U.S. Student Program, places U.S. students as English teaching assistants in schools or universities overseas, thus improving foreign students’ English language abilities and knowledge of the United States while increasing their own language skills and knowledge of the host country. ETAs may also pursue individual study/research plans in addition to their teaching responsibilities.
Sponsored by the U.S. Department of State, the Fulbright program is the largest U.S. international exchange program offering opportunities for students, scholars, and professionals to undertake international graduate study, advanced research, university teaching, and teaching in elementary and secondary schools worldwide.
Upon her return to the U.S., Mehrotra will pursue a teaching certification for grades K-8. She plans to become a teacher in a low-income school district and hopes to work specifically with children of immigrants to help them gain equal access to a quality education.