Research Librarian Kristin Strohmeyer assists local high school students in Burke Library.
Research Librarian Kristin Strohmeyer assists local high school students in Burke Library.

Hamilton played host to a group of senior high school students from the Vernon-Verona-Sherrill (VVS) Central School District on May 19. Students from the AP English and AP Biology classes spent the day working on information literacy skills to better prepare them for college. They also toured several science labs.

Research Librarians Glynis Asu and Kristin Strohmeyer worked with the students on research papers, helping them become familiar with doing research at the college level.

According to Strohmeyer, one student took a comment about being part of the scholarly conversation to heart and contacted the author of an article particularly useful to her research. “She was delighted to get a lengthy letter back from the scholar detailing his research in the field, confirming that we are all part of the scholarly communication process,” Strohmeyer said.

Silas D. Childs Professor of Biology David Gapp and Professor of Chemistry Karen Brewer then spent time explaining their biology and chemistry research, stressing the student involvement and engagement aspect of the work. The visit concluded in Taylor Science Center with in-depth tours of the biology and chemistry labs.

VVS Media Center Specialist Tina Laramie, English teacher Melanie Miller and science teacher Beth Debany accompanied the students.

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