 Equipment officer Madeline Pavlovich '22, HCEMS coordinator David Goldman, and scheduling officer Elizabeth (Tatie) Summers '22,

The Hamilton community is grateful for the 23 members of Hamilton College Emergency Medical Service (HCEMS). These student volunteers are New York State certified EMTs whose work helps keep the College community safe 24-hours-a-day, seven-days-a-week while classes are in session.

“I am consistently impressed with the level of selfless dedication the volunteer EMT members of  HCEMS provide to the Hamilton College community.” said David Goldman, HCEMS coordinator.

Senior HCEMS members are: Isabelle Bote, Adaira Dumm, Benjamin (Ben) Grummon, Avery Lum, Jason Ma, Madeline Pavlovich, Laura Radulescu, Elizabeth Summers.

Juniors on the squad are Madeleine Hong, Cameron Hood, Lucy Kiernat, Allison Reed, Jed Rifkin, Dana Russell, Kiera Wax.

Sophomore members are Phoebe Anderson, Bailey Black, Sarah John, Isabella Piacentino, Barbara Roca, Sophia Sherman, Hannah Singer, Alexi Vaillancourt

November 8 to 12 is National Collegiate EMS Week, and this year marks the 27th anniversary of HCEMS becoming a NYS EMS agency. 

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