The basement of the Sadove Student Center has just gotten a long-awaited facelift.
An opening right before break showed off renovations that will provide Hamilton students with a place where they can study, play games, attend club meetings, watch performances or just relax.
The space has been transformed into a lounge area with ping pong tables, pool tables, couches, and armchairs. On the far side of the lounge, speakers and stage lighting are set up to accommodate performances like poetry readings, acoustics and more. In addition to a fresh coat of paint, the lounge is decorated with a student-painted mural and several chalkboard for students to express themselves.
“I think it’ll be a great hangout spot,” said Quentin Reynolds ’21. “I didn’t even know that Sadove had a basement before this, so I’m really excited that we’re making use of it and that it’s been redone into a space that we can all enjoy. I can really see myself studying down here or planning new projects.”
Adrian Summers ’19 helped bring the Cultural Affairs Committee, Student Diversity Council and Student Activities together to plan the renovation. “Space availability is an important part of our campus culture, and recently students have been asking for more hangout and study areas, collaborative spaces and performative spaces.”
The word “solidarity,” which is painted in the center of the mural, takes on a special meaning for Summers. “It represents our desire to support all members of our community,” he said. “Our mission is to enrich the campus climate by celebrating difference, strengthening social engagement and creating a space for communication and meaningful action. We hope that the basement will be a physical representation of that climate we hope will spread to the rest of the campus,” Summers said. I hope all students who use the space will remember that and take it on.”
The basement lounge renovation was possible thanks to the Student Activities Office, Black and Latinx Student Union, Womxn’s Center, La Vanguardia, Feminists of Color Collective, Rainbow Alliance, Voices of Color Lecture Series, Hillel, Asian Students’ Association, International Students’ Association, Working with Whiteness, Student Assembly’s Cultural Affairs Committee, and Physical Plant.