  • During a time of year when calendars are filled with final assignments, exams, and presentations, Bristol Pool and nearby trails and roads get a little busier as the Hamilton community sets aside time for one of its favorite traditions: HamTrek.

  • Emile (Em) Vasquez Mejia ’24 spent the fall 2023 semester living and learning in Washington, D.C., through Hamilton’s D.C. Program. The anthropology major and Posse Scholar shares here some of her favorite experiences and what she learned about city life, herself, and her future.

  • For Anusha Karki ’24, communities are intricate layers of people, resources, opportunities, and identities. For migrant domestic workers, these communities are essential to creating new lives in new lands. Yet the tireless childcare, caregiving, and other household responsibilities they provide behind closed doors often go unrecognized, as do their stories.

  • Hamilton is among several New York State colleges that administer the Arthur O. Eve Higher Education Opportunity Program, known on the Hill as simply “the Opportunity Program” or just “OP.” The Opportunity Program, designed to support students whose transition from high school to college may be made more difficult by their educational, socioeconomic, or personal circumstances, helps 30 to 40 new students each year acclimate to the College’s academic standards and social life.

  • Midway through the second semester, Hamilton students continue to excel in the classroom, in academic competitions, and as student-athletes.

  • Discovering the intersections between two disciplines miles apart is no easy path to take — but it is a rewarding one. Christian Hernández Barragán ’24, a government and theatre major, shares how he meshed his two favorite departments in his senior theses and in off-campus adventures in London and Washington, D.C.

  • Hamilton’s Theatre Department is presenting Angels in America, Part One: Millennium Approaches, as its spring mainstage production. Communications Office student writer and Angels understudy Alejandro Sosa Hernandez ’26 asked the cast, ‘What did you learn about theatre or yourself from participating in this production?’

  • Arriving at college can be daunting for first-year students. Luckily, Hamilton’s Community Advisors (CAs) make the transition that much easier and help new students feel comfortable on campus. But for one CA, this job is about making Hamilton truly feel like home.

  • Hamilton College and the rest of Upstate New York had a front-row seat to the biggest astronomical event of the year: The Great American Solar Eclipse. Thanks to many organizers, more than 1,000 members of the College community got to revel in the exciting moment.

  • National and regional news organizations regularly interview Hamilton faculty, staff, alumni, and students for their expertise and perspectives on current events, and to feature programs and activities on campus. March’s news topics included varied subjects from the eclipse to awkwardness to politics.


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