  • Associate Professor of German and Russian Languages and Literatures (Russian) Emeritus Frank Sciacca recently gifted a collection of books related to Ukrainian arts and culture to The Icon Museum and Study Center.

  • November’s news coverage highlights include a profile of alumnus and folk musician Jake Blount ’17, announcement of Hamilton’s new dean of admission, and an interview with the Wellin Museum’s director discussing its 10th anniversary.

  • More than 200 posters plus souvenir pins, banners, toys, even cigarettes, comprise Associate Professor of Russian Frank Sciacca’s unparalleled collection of Soviet-era propaganda recently donated to the Burke Library Special Collections.

  • The Students of College 236: Culture and Politics of Food are becoming quite the connoisseurs of authentic global cuisine after a recent exploration of a few of the ethnic food markets in nearby Utica, New York.

  • Hamilton College’s highest awards for teaching were presented to four faculty members during the annual Class & Charter Day ceremony on May 12. Associate Professor of Russian Franklin Sciacca, Associate Professor of Music Rob Hopkins,  Assistant Professor of Chemistry Adam Van Wynsberghe and Nathan Goodale, assistant professor of anthropology, received awards. Professor of History Doug Ambrose was named recipient of Student Assembly’s Sidney Wertimer Award.

  • Silas D. Childs Professor of Biology David Gapp and Associate Professor of German and Russian Languages and Literatures Frank Sciacca will appear on the Green Local 175 LIVE Radio & Internet Show, tonight (Tuesday, March 26) from approximately 8 p.m. to 9 p.m., on WPNR 90.7 FM and streaming live audio on the Internet.

  • With an interest in Russian that began in high school, Grace Lee ’13 spent the past year studying in St. Petersburg where she was surprised by the prevalence of Russian folklore symbols even in the busy city.  This summer she pursued a research project on the interplay between Russian folktales, culture and politics with the support of an Emerson Foundation Summer Research Grant.

  • Professor of English Naomi Guttman and Associate Professor of Russian Studies Franklin Sciacca were presenters at the Oxford Symposium on Food and Cookery at St. Catherine’s College, Oxford, U.K. July 6-8. Their paper, titled “The Magic of Dumplings: Bringing Pierogi into the (New) World,” offered an early example of globalization, the migration of a foodstuff from the Ukraine along the Silk Route across the Eurasian plain and ultimately to the U.S.

  • "Stuffed" was the comment most commonly heard from students in the interdisciplinary Food for Thought class and the Kitchen Culture: Women, Gender and the Politics of Food class at the conclusion of the bicentennial Galaxy Dinner on Feb. 1. Despite being handicapped by a forkless table-setting, students gamely consumed a sumptuous serving of early 1800s dishes. The event was held with a bit of historical staging -- candlelight, fire roaring in the hearth,wooden utensils -- in the Great Room of Philip Spencer House.

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