  • The Common Ground series returned to Hamilton on February 22 with panelists discussing the question, "Who should set the rules regarding privacy and data? "

  • Students at Hamilton have many opportunities to form connections in classes, through sports teams and extracurricular activities, and especially in the residence halls. As part of their living/learning experience, some students choose to join special interest communities, where certain residence hall floors are centered around themes.

  • Although she is new to Hamilton, Lisa Grimes is not new to working with students applying for nationally and internationally competitive scholarships. At the College of William and Mary and later at the University of Virginia, Grimes gained experience helping students navigate the challenging process of applications and identify the various awards available to them. The desire to return to a liberal arts institution (and the cold weather) drew her to Hamilton where she now serves as student fellowships coordinator. Here’s what she had to say about her time at Hamilton so far.

  • From Phoenix to Flagstaff, our caravan of three white vans trundled down interstates and bumpy dirt roads. Pulling off to the side, a stream of 34 people would rush out onto roadside outcrops, hand lenses strung around our necks and field notebooks in hand.

  • When we reached the end of our hike, my fellow geological conference attendees and I turned our attention not toward the dense forests far below us, but toward the basalt rocks right below our feet. It was what we had hiked up to see, after all.

  • For many, work in the art world conjures images of artists at easels. However, a career in art can be much broader and involve aspects beyond the creation of art.

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