Clark Bowman
Assistant Professor of Mathematics and Statistics

Clark Bowman’s favorite courses to teach have been in computational probability and statistics, and he hopes to bring a “big data” flavor to the statistics curriculum at Hamilton.
His dissertation focused on applied statistics — especially uncertainty quantification — and high-performance modeling in cellular biology. He especially enjoys using statistical tools to connect mathematical models with real data, and he is currently working on large-scale data analytics and modeling of biomarkers from wearable devices (e.g., Fitbits) in collaboration with a research group at the University of Michigan Medical School.
Bowman has a bachelor’s degree in mathematics and a bachelor’s degree in physics from the University of Rochester and a master’s degree and doctorate in applied mathematics from Brown University. He taught for one year as a postdoctoral fellow in the Mathematics Department at the University of Michigan.
Recent Courses Taught
Statistical Modeling and Applications
Probability Theory and Applications
Select Publications
- “Dissipative particle dynamics simulation of critical pore size in a lipid bilayer membrane.” C. Bowman, M. Chaplain, and A. Matzavinos. Royal Society Open Science, 6 (3): 181657, 2019.
- “Bayesian uncertainty quantification for particle-based simulation of lipid bilayer membranes.” C. Bowman, K. Larson, A. Roitershtcin, D. Stein, and A. Matzavinos. In Cell Movement: Modeling and Applications. Springer, 2018.
- “Giant acceleration of DNA diffusion in an array of entropic barriers.” D. Kim, C. Bowman, J. T. Del Bonis-O'Donnell, A. Matzaviuos, and D. Stein. Physical Review Letters, 118 (4): 048002, 2017.
- “The potential of iterative voting to solve the separability problem in referendum elections.” C. Bowman, J. K. Hodge, and A. Yu. Theory and Decision, 77 (1): 111-124, 2014.
Professional Affiliations
Society for Mathematical Biology
Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
American Mathematical Society
Appointed to the Faculty
2019Educational Background
Ph.D., Brown University
M.S., Brown University
B.S., University of Rochester