The goal of the Theatre Department is to teach students to think and express themselves creatively while at the same time learning discipline, time management, and solid group-building and leadership skills.
The Senior Program
The Senior Program is the culmination of one’s Hamilton experience in a focused project, carried out under the close supervision of a faculty member. It draws together coursework and creativity, theory and practice. Students in theatre and dance have a variety of options in writing, performance, directing, choreography and design as they pursue the senior project that concludes the Senior Program.
Each theatre student produces a senior project in which he or she not only directs and, where appropriate, acts in or writes a one-act play, but produces a major scholarly paper based on this experience.
Recent projects in theatre include:
- Directing, Anything Can Happen by Cary Pepper
- Writing and directing, How Casey Tells It
- On Sundays
- Creation of a Stage Managers Handbook
- Directing, Our Lady of Perpetual Doubt by C.E. Glanville
- Writing and directing, HERE AND QUEER: A Verbatim Theatre Project
- Directing, The Recommendation by Jillian Blevins
- Directing, About Michael by Peter Anthony Fields
- Costume design for the Main Stage production of Angels in America by Tony Kushner
- Design, How Casey Tells It by Emmett Dupree
- Writing, directing, and performing, This is Not About That
- Production dramaturg for the Main Stage production of Concord Floral by Jordan Tannahill
- Directing, The Dating Pool by Arianna Rose
- Directing and design, Hold by Ruben J. Carbajal
- Directing, Chicks by Grace McKeaney
- Directing, Too Close To The Sun by Kullen Burnet
- Directing, Intermission by Will Eno
- Writing and directing, The Visibility of Female Rage
- Directing, Softy Powder or Soft Power or You Will Do My Laundry by Dizzy Turek
Department Name
Theatre Department
Contact Name
Mark Cryer, Chair
Clinton, NY 13323