
The Senior Program

Philosophy concentrators take the senior seminar, 550, in the fall of their senior year. In collaboration with others in a small course section, students in 550 complete a clear and focused piece of philosophical writing or project that they present publicly. The written and oral work should show that students have developed the philosophical skills that merit a degree in philosophy at Hamilton College.

Recent Senior Thesis projects include:

  • Conviction and Conversation: The Benefits of Listening to Hypocrites
  • House Culture: The Embodied Aesthetic of Authenticity and Model for Community Building
  • Schopenhauer and the Experience Machine
  • The Cost of Unknowing: Examining the Role of Willful Ignorance in Seeking Emotional Comfort
  • This May or May Not Be Something: How Narratives Inform Our (Un)certainties about Identity and Reality
  • It’s Not an Imitation, It’s a Becoming: Why Teaching Method Acting is Unethical with Respect to Identity and the Self
  • The Science of Living: The Emergence of a Novel Discourse of Self-Improvement
  • Bodies Act Back: Can the Marriage of Feminism and Ethical Veganism Be Saved?
  • Against Adversarial Argumentation
  • Ontology and Environmental Activism
  • Laughter and Meaning in Nietzsche – How to Philosophize in an Unstable World
  • Mariátegui’s Myth and Reason in Revolutionary Praxis
  • Living Awake in the World: Indigenous Wisdom and the Attention Economy
  • Self-Definition in the Working World.
  • The Hoax of Personality Testing: A Critique of the Dangerous Industry That Conflates Science with Selfhood, and An Exploration of Alternative Avenues for Understanding the Self
  • A Journey from Sisyphus to the Psyche
  • Depraved or Just Dirty? What Can Disgust Tell Us About Moral Value?
  • The Poets Strike Back: a Defense of Fiction
  • A Picture of Jazz: Language in Wittgenstein’s Philosophical Investigations and Jazz Improvisation
  • Stop Making Sense: Wittgenstein, Absurdist Theater, and the Challenge of Meaning
  • Intentionally Saving the Day: Mental State Ascription and Moral Valence in Knobe Effect


Department Name

Philosophy Department

Contact Name

Russell Marcus, Chair

Office Location
198 College Hill Road
Clinton, NY 13323

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