03 13
When 4:10 p.m. Thursday, March 13
Where Kirner-Johnson (KJ) 127 Red Pit, Map #14
Type Open to Off Campus Guests

Event Description

The Levitt Center would like to invite you to a talk titled "Accumulation by Adaptation" with Kimberley Thomas, Associate Professor of Geography, Environment and Urban Studies Temple University. Accumulation by adaptation names the phenomenon by which political and economic elites profit from climate adaptation efforts. As with the notion of ‘accumulation by dispossession’ from which it derives, the term speaks to the injustice of capital accumulation—in this case, accumulation associated with configuring some groups' vulnerability to climate change as business opportunities. However, unlike accumulation by dispossession, the mechanisms by which accumulation by adaptation proceeds have not been adequately conceptualized. This review synthesizes critiques of Marx's formulation of primitive accumulation, recent scholarship on colonial racial capitalism, and critical adaptation studies to locate how capital circulates through and reproduces the violence of climate change.


Contact Name

Heather Bogolyubova

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