Web Styles
Banners: we will supply a custom banner image or images for your site. To request changes to your banner, please email cbrown@hamilton.edu.
The title of your site will be placed when your page is made (e.g. the tan, h1, heading above, Web Styles)
Section Title, Heading 2, 20pt (h2)
- Most pages should have a large dark gray heading (h2) under the title of the site, which indicates the section of the site (also corresponds to navigation headings in left column)
Sample: http://www.hamilton.edu/facts
Page Title, Heading 3, 17pt (h3)
(An h3 blue heading with a dotted line indicates title of the page, and is generally used below a black h2 heading)
Sample page: http://www.hamilton.edu/finaid/work-study
Page Title, no line - alternative a, 17pt (h3a)
(An h3 blue heading indicates title of the page, and is used when no black h2 heading is above)
Sample page: http://www.hamilton.edu/offcampusstudy
Heading 3, alternative b, 17 pt (h3b)
Sample page: http://www.hamilton.edu/safety
Heading 3, alternative c, 17pt (h3)
Sample page: http://www.hamilton.edu/studentactivities/sadove-student-center
Heading 4, 14pt (h4)
Sample page: http://www.hamilton.edu/hamilton-headlines
Heading 4, 14pt, alternative (h4a)
Sample page: http://www.hamilton.edu/magazine/fall12/a-moving-experience
Heading 5, 12pt (h5)
Sample Page: http://www.hamilton.edu/facts/academics
HEADING 5 (all caps), 11 PT, ALTERNATIVE A (H5)
Sample page: http://www.hamilton.edu/catalogue/academic-regulations
Heading 5, 12 pt, alternative b (h5)
Sample page: http://www.hamilton.edu/coop/staff
Heading Title, 12 pt (h6)
Sample page: http://www.hamilton.edu/afs
HEADING 6 (all caps), 11 PT, ALTERNATIVE A (H6)
Sample page: http://www.hamilton.edu/facts/alumni
HEADING 6 (all caps), 11 PT, ALTERNATIVE B (H6)
Sample page: http://www.hamilton.edu/writing
Headline Link
Note: The ">>" characters appear once the link is defined.
Sample page: http://www.hamilton.edu/search/directory
Link, color: bb9043
Color applies to any link in text or headline. The link rollover is an underline only--no color change
Body text, Georgia 14pt
Image credit, uppercase, Verdana 8pt, color: 939292
Image caption, Verdana 9pt, color: 8297ae
3-Column Template Examples
good use of boxes, images and heads:
same modules (locked) on right
2-Column Template Examples
good use of boxes, clean, appropriate use of headlines creating good visual hierarchy
note treatment of headlines that are links; the site-wide convention will be to add two carets >>
note minimal use of bold text; good use of question format; in text of first question - the words Financial Aid page (of the website) are made a link instead of listing the url